On the Cards

Laura Spini and Laurence Brook over at Butthead Films challenged us to make a segment for their collaborative film project, Fantastic Cadaver, inspired by the Exquisite Corpse. The rules are simple. Each filmmaker has two weeks to make a segment of the film, having only seen the previous segment. The film must feature the two central characters, Po and Pip, who must wear blue and red.

On the Cards explores the delicate relationship between confession, transgression, and guilt. Can friendship survive after a breach of trust? It might just be on the cards for Pip and Po.

Cast & Crew

Pip - Sarah Forty
Po - Anna Fraser

Writer & Director - Margherita Arco 
Director of Photography - Anna-Marie Ramm
Sound Mixer & Boom operator -  Chiara Meadows


Feeling Lucky


Let's Sync Baby